Wine glass shelves

Woodworking: Workshop · Tools (Sharpening) · Materials · Projects (Workshop doors, Metalworking bench).

Lining boards


I'd been carrying a couple of bags of shellac around for ten years or so, and wanted to try using them. So I tried applying garnet shellac. It's not great fun, but the colour does improve the tas-oak I think; certainly it's not as nice as applying a wax finish (perhaps just because of the stink of the metho, and its drying action on the skin of ones hands).



2018-11-18  Stainless screws 6M x ½"   6.94
2017-11-19  Ball catch                10.90
     "      Stainless hinges 50mm     19.78
     "      Sandpaper P80 x 1m         2.83
     "      Sandpaper P120 x 5m       12.35